Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Unfolding as it should

Selected lyrics:

When i, by myself, just can't get it straight
Stumbling backwards when i just had it made
Wanting right now to be
All that i see - if i only could..
If i only could..

That's when i remember
Everything in life is good -
Even if not understood...
All will come to you in time
So put the thought into your mind
That everything's unfolding.. as it should!

Page 528, Astrology for the Soul - Jan Spiller

The sun comes up

Selected lyrics:

Why do we prevent our own happiness
By resisting the timing of life
Trying to decide what's wrong and what's right
With our foolish minds!

And the sun comes up each morning
And it goes down every night.
And in the night, it's the moon that comes
It never is the sun.
There is system and order here
And it's reflected all around
Why not trust in the laws of life
They never let us down!

Page 486, Astrology for the Soul - Jane Spiller

Going home

Selected lyrics:

Have you ever felt like i do
Knowing you must walk on ahead
And take the next step into something new?
You can't see beyond the level you're on
Afraid to let go because inside you know
There's no returning - back to where you've been?

The level you're on isn't working
Let go of the past and keep walking
Thinking you're leaving home?
No, no! You're going, you're going, you're going Home!

Page 443, Astrology for the Soul - Jan Spiller


Selected lyrics:

So now i'm here, and it wasn't so hard at all
To become what I saw, 'cause I believed it in my heart
And it's so much more than words - but i had to do my part
Looking back i can recall, that the hardest part of all
Was a risk to my whole Being
It took so much trusting..

Page 396, Astrology for the Soul - Jan Spiller

Greet the new

Selected lyrics:

Whats the point in hanging on?
Your dream is true, but not the form
What brings you joy in life today
May come true a different way!

Reach your arms up to the sky -
Greet the new that's in your life today
Life sent it just to you,
'Cause you're ready for something new
But you've got to let go of what's already gone
You've got to let go, it's time to move on..

Page 356, Astrology for the Soul - Jan Spiller

Come on, people

Selected lyrics:

Your brother's trying, but he's getting weak
Pushing his rock up the mountain peak
His rock is heavy, about to break through
He needs some help for a moment or two
Can you take one hand from the rock you bear
To help him with his load, his breaking point is near..

Come on, People - step into his shoes
Wake up, People - to see his point of view
Come on, People, help all you can today.. 'cause
All you can take with you is what you've given away!

Page 311, Astrology for the Soul - Jan Spiller

Be the child you were

Selected lyrics:

Sometimes i wonder, if we saw when we were born
One destiny - crystal clear - before us
Sometimes i wonder, before the world became our guide,
If we knew to follow who we are inside.

Be the child you were - be the child you were
Before the world got to you
Told you things that were not true
Be the child you were - be the child you were.

Page 233, Astrology for the Soul - Jan Spiller

On the road

Selected lyrics:

Seems to me the only way i can
Find out just where i stand
Is to be honest about how i feel
With the people I hold dear
The change will make it all so clear
Take the risk and watch magic appear!

It's a long, long way back home
Back to where i'm coming from
But i'm on the road!
Growing used to breaking through
All the things i thought i knew
To rejoin the flow
On the road back home!

Page 191, Astrology for the Soul - Jane Spiller

Between you and me

Selected lyrics:

Between you and me there's a memory of trusting
And being let down in the end
Between you and me there is misunderstanding
Ready to come up again...

Yet - between you and me there's a magnet that draws us
Between you and me there's a path and a promise
Between you and me are the feelings that bond us
Between you and me - there is Love!

Seek Ye First

Selected lyrics:

My guy got sick, needed attention
So i put on my nurse's hat..
My heart fell when he called it "distraction"
That's not where i was at!

And i remembered:
Seek ye first, the kingdom of heaven
And i turned within -
And before too long, my heart felt strong
The outside got in order again!
So seek ye first...
Because inside of you's the kingdom of heaven!

Page 109, Astrology for the Soul - Jan Spiller

Use what you have right now

Selected lyrics:

Why be discouraged when you have to go back
It only brings you closer to where it's all at-
Life always brings just what we need
To give up and suffer, or break through and get freed!

And you...
Use what you have, right now
You've got the tools - you're where you need to be
Watch the One, not you or me
And take the next step in front of you - and when you do - you'll get free!

Page 270, Astrology for the Soul - Jan Spiller

Going through Judgement Day

Selected lyrics:

You can read all the books that ever have been written
You can ask of those around you to show you the way
You can study the mysteries, a long time hidden
But you're the only on who can take you through the Judgement Day!

And you can't rely on anyone else for glory
Don't depend on the outside to show you the way
Put away the books - go beyond the brain
Trust the Light within to guide you through the pain, and
You're the only one who could ever know
What it takes to make you whole
And it's the Light within you that'll guide you through the Judgement Day!

Page 62, Astrology for the Soul - Jan Spiller