Friday, July 1, 2011

Tao - Part 6

True perfection seems imperfect, 
yet it is perfectly itself. 
True fullness seems empty, 
yet it is fully present.
True straightness seems crooked. 
True wisdom seems foolish. 
True art seems artless.
The Master allows things to happen. 
She shapes events as they come. 
She steps out of the way and lets the Tao speak for itself.

Tao - Part 5

In the beginning was the Tao. 
All things issue from it; 
all things return to it.
To find the origin, trace back the manifestations. 
When you recognize the children and find the mother, 
you will be free of sorrow.
If you close your mind in judgements and traffic with desires, 
your heart will be troubled. 
If you keep your mind from judging and aren't led by the senses,
your heart will find peace.
Seeing into darkness is clarity. 
Knowing how to yield is strength. 
Use your own light and return to the source of light. 
This is called practicing eternity.

Tao - Part 4

If you realize that all things change, 
there is nothing you will try to hold on to. 
If you aren't afraid of dying, 
there is nothing you can't achieve.
Trying to control the future is like trying to take the master carpenter's place. 
When you handle the master carpenter's tools, 
chances are that you'll cut your hand.

Tao - Part 3

When they lose their sense of awe, 
people turn to religion. 
When they no longer trust themselves, 
they begin to depend upon authority.
Therefore the Master steps back so that people won't be confused. 
He teaches without a teaching, 
so that people will have nothing to learn.

Tao - Part 2

My teachings are easy to understand and easy to put into practice. 
Yet your intellect will never grasp them, and if you try to practice them, you'll fail.
My teachings are older than the world. How can you grasp their meaning?
If you want to know me, look inside your heart.

Tao - Part 1

The ancient Masters 
didn't try to educate the people, 
but kindly taught them to not-know.
When they think that they know the answers, 
people are difficult to guide. 
When they know that they don't know, 
people can find their own way.
If you want to learn how to govern, 
avoid being clever or rich. 
The simplest pattern is the clearest. 
Content with an ordinary life,
you can show all people the way back to their own true nature.

Monday, June 27, 2011

The walk about

This is more of a personal post. Well, my love for teaching has toyed the line this time around. I would certainly like to teach economics in an undergraduate program, if i get a job in Mumbai. Hope this post reminds me of that reality. :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Quotes - part 2

Albert Einstein famously noted that the problems cannot be resolved by the same level of consciousness that created them..

Every object, well contemplated, opens up a new organ of perception within us - Goethe..

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Quotes - Part 1

Three quotes i enjoyed reading today morning, personal fav is the one by Dan Coats of the three:

If a man has any greatness in him, it comes to light - not in one flamboyant boat, but in the ledger of his daily work
-Beryl Markham

Patriotism is not short, frenzied outbursts of emotion, but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime.
-Adlai E. Stevenson

Character cannot be summoned at the moment of crisis if it has been squandered by years of compromise and rationalization. The only testing ground for the heroic is the mundane. The only preparation for that one profound decision which can change a life, or even a nation, is those hundreds of half-conscious, self-defining, seemingly insignificant decisions made in private. Habit is the daily battleground of character
-Dan Coats

Excerpt from Autobiography of a Yogi - Paramahansa Yogananda

Chapter 16, page 161

Astrology is the study of mans response to planetary stimuli. The stars have no conscious benevolence or animosity; they merely send forth positive and negative radiations. Of themselves, these do not help or harm humanity, but offer a lawful channel for the outward operation of cause effect equilibriums that each man has set into motion in the past.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

HBO Series 2

One of the poets whose work i deeply admire, a friend named Ajay Kalra, wrote this poem. I thought it is worth the mention with regard to the HBO series. Thanks Ajay

Silence envelopes me
Or is the silence really me
Twittering thoughts recede at dusk
Peeling stillness from the husk

Do I sit on a park bench
Or is the park bench also me
The moon pulls the tide at sea
And the flow inside of me

Will death come to me
Or this merging set me free
Do I end at my finger tip
Or spill over, into the book I flip

What is me?
This body, this soul
Or the universal galactic, ultimate whole
Where do I begin? And where do I end?
Am I life’s river turning a bend

As I get up at the park bells toll
Surrendering myself, to life’s drama and role
I cloak my infinity
In an illusionary goal

HBO Series 1

From what i see around, the adage 'common sense is uncommon' holds tremendous relevance. Regretfully, common sense seems to elude many people during their daily life. This is best reflected in our learning team at AIM, where the ego takes precedence over common sense and understanding each other. Facing new opportunities that involve a change of people, lifestype, living patterns, usage of time, is something many people fail to rise up to and accept.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Time is ripe for a correction in the market

I believe the market is poised for a 5 to 10% correction currently. The near term major trigger for the market are Q4 March 2011 results of India Inc. Investors continue to scrutinize post-result management commentary to gauge outlook on earnings at a time when rising salaries, raw materials prices and interest rates are pressurizing profit margins of India Inc.

High global commodity prices will add to pressure on profit margins of Indian firms. The surge in crude prices shall also fuel concerns. The current account deficit continues to widen as crude retains itself at USD 108 a barrel. High crude prices leads to higher subsidy bills to keep inflation under check, leading to deterioration in the fiscal condition. State-run oil marketing companies can correct because of higher crude oil prices. Airline stocks can correct too on account of heighten worries about higher operating costs (higher fuel costs). The big boy Infosys has already reported disappointing numbers. IT companies could see margin contractions on account of a stronger currency.

The upcoming monetary policy review meet may see the RBI raising short term rates by 25 basis points causing interest rate worries. Auto stocks may correct owing to concerns about higher interest rates which could crimp sales of automobiles. Purchases of automobiles, including that of cars, two-wheelers, utility vehicles and commercial vehicles are substantially driven by financing. Bank shares can correct amid worries such as high inflation and rising interest rates that would hurt bottom line figures going forward. Realty stocks could also correct on worries of higher interest rates denting demand for residential and commercial property.

WPI rose 8.98% in March 2011, higher than 8.31% rise in February 2011 and also ahead of market expectation. US markets ended flat on Thursday amid concerns about faltering growth and rising inflation. A surprising jump in US jobless claims, raising some questions among investors about the health of the labor market recovery. The core US Producer Price Index rose faster than expected in March as fuel prices rose strongly, adding to concerns about inflation. Earnings could make for a bumpy ride in US stocks soon if more key companies undershoot expectations, possibly causing a spike in volatility. This could result to further inflows in the indian market, however, in my opinion, this would not happen. Valuations seem to be at the higher end of the price earnings. FII investors could look to invest in safer instruments such as bonds maybe, which may cause a spurt in bond prices.

Given all these variables, the margin of safety offered is low. The downside risks look higher than the upside potential. Also the market has been driven largely on account of large FII inflows. Any reversal in the trend could spark a sharp correction. Given the events taking place in the world, i do not see any reason to be optimistic, maybe cautious optimism maybe not. Ripe time for a correction in the markets, let valuations get readjusted in line with the economic reality, and then go cherry picking.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Market view

In my opinion, markets are trading in an overbought zone. Liquidity has caused the markets to go up significantly over the last 15 trading sessions. Valuations are at the higher end of the spectrum. Inflation coupled with increasing food prices and oil prices, will continue to pose a threat. Personally, i think its a time to book profits in scripts which are making you money, and book losses in small parts for loss making stocks.