Tuesday, June 7, 2011

HBO Series 2

One of the poets whose work i deeply admire, a friend named Ajay Kalra, wrote this poem. I thought it is worth the mention with regard to the HBO series. Thanks Ajay

Silence envelopes me
Or is the silence really me
Twittering thoughts recede at dusk
Peeling stillness from the husk

Do I sit on a park bench
Or is the park bench also me
The moon pulls the tide at sea
And the flow inside of me

Will death come to me
Or this merging set me free
Do I end at my finger tip
Or spill over, into the book I flip

What is me?
This body, this soul
Or the universal galactic, ultimate whole
Where do I begin? And where do I end?
Am I life’s river turning a bend

As I get up at the park bells toll
Surrendering myself, to life’s drama and role
I cloak my infinity
In an illusionary goal

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