Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Chp 1: It can only get better - Tony Gordon

Page 4, paragh 4

"How fortunate i was to have burned my bridges. I couldnt go back. I was totally committed. It is the first essential for success. There can be no middle of the road. Commitment, for us, is like virginity - we either have it or we dont. If we walk in the middle of the road we will be hit by the truck of mediocrity."

Page 6, paragh 3

"successful people discipline themselves to do the things that mediocre people dont like to do"

Page 6, paragh 4

"the discipline to do what is needed to succeed everyday is the basic difference between success and mediocrity"

Page 9, paragh 3

"Success does not come cheaply. Rejection is the price which must be paid to achieve our goals."

Page 13, paragh 2

"Success comes when we have learned to lose the hard fought battles and have the courage to come back and fight again."

Page 13, Paragh 4

"It is our character and not our contacts that determine our success"

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