Monday, June 4, 2012

Parents oh parents

I had the good fortune to visit an exam center that had about 1500 candidates appearing for the CFA examination. These candidates could be aged anywhere between 22 to maybe 60.  The average age would be 26. What's funny is what i see then. Over protective parents. Goodness gracious me! Parents who came to drop their children, parents who would advice their child regarding Do's and Dont's, parents who were standing right at the gate when the exam was over, parents who were discussing with other parents about how hard their child had studied and how many sleepless nights their child had, parents reminding the child 10 times that he should carry the calculator, the passport and the hall - ticket. And all i had to say was Oh My Friking Goodness! Hey you parents, don't you want your 26 years old to grow up or toughen up? Ummm.. why such over protection? God forbid, don't call this "LOVE", you got the experience of love completely messed up. It arises from giving freedom and allowing the person to experience his/her journey. You are doing more harm than good.

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