Saturday, June 8, 2013

Book review: V is for Vulnerable

I love reading. I absolutely love reading. So i have decided to write book reviews on stuff i read. Here is the recent one:

V is for Vulnerable : Seth Godin - Life outside the comfort zone.

Seth is brilliant. Seth isnt a writer, he is a movement. He is a shift of thought. You will get it when you read him. I am most happy to pay for the beautiful work he writes. He makes art. He produces magic.

V is for vulnerable is a short fun book. It's got alphabets from A to Z with some fun besides each alphabet. Thats all. Here are my favorites. Have fun

Anxiety is experiencing failure in advance. Tell yourself enough vivid stories about the worst possible outcome of your work and you'll soon come to believe them. Worry is not preparation, and anxiety doesn't make you better.

Commitment is the only thing that gets you through the chasm. Commitment takes you from "that's a fine idea" and "it's done." Commitment is risky, because if you fail, it's on you. On the hand, without commitment, you will fail, because are unshipped isn't art.

Effort isn't the point, impact is. If you solve the problem in three seconds but have the guts to share it with me, it's still art. And if you move ten thousand pounds of granite but the result doesn't connect with me, I'm sorry for your calluses, but you haven't made art, at least not art for me.

Feedback is either a crutch or a weapon. Use feedback to make your work smaller, safer, and more likely to please everyone (and fall in the long run). Or use it as a lever, to further push you to embrace what you fear (and what you're capable of).

Heroes are people who take risks for the right reasons. Real art is a heroic act. Hipsters, on the other hand, are pretenders who haven't risked a thing but like to play the part.

Initiative is the privilege of picking yourself. You're not given initiative, you take it. Pick yourself. If you're not getting what you want, it may be because you're not making good enough art, often enough.

More is not the goal of the artist. Better is the artists dream. Better connection is the point of the work. More stuff leads to a world of scarcity, while better connected creates abundance.

No feels safe, while yes is dangerous indeed. Yes to possibility and yes to risk and yes to looking someone in the eye and telling her the truth.

Pain is the truth of art. Art is not a hobby or a pastime. It is the result of an internal battle royal, one between the quest for safety and the desire to matter.

Shame is the flip side of vulnerability. We avoid opening ourselves to the connection art brings because we fear that we will finally be seen as the fraud that we are.

Umbrellas keep you from getting wet. Why on earth would you use one? Getting wet is the entire point.

Vulnerable is the only way we can feel when we truly share the art we've made. When we share it, when we connect, we have shifted all the power and made ourselves naked in front of the person we've given the gift of our art to. We have no excuses, no manual to point to, no standard operating procedure to protect us. And that is part of our gift.

1 comment:

  1. :) good one Aehaas. I too love his concepts/books....but I feel that its time for him to be little different now. I mean, his theme of most books is connected/similar. Now he has to transcend the intellectual level he is very best to a practical level (I mean of getting things done) or perhaps delve into another theme. What do you say.
