Friday, June 7, 2013

My new found miracle : running

Since mid March, running has been my new found miracle. It is an exhilarating experience to go for a jog/run 3/4 times a week.

There has been significant transformation in the way I run since I began. Initially running was more of an effort where by I would struggle and barely manage a 3km run. My breathing was certainly not rhythmic and it was about the pace at which I ran.

Now as I look back, running is about the distance, training the machine like body to run the 10 kms daily. That's my current daily target. Running now is about the rhythm and breathing. Forget the pace, focus on running the distance. The pace will take care of itself.

Apart from the physical fitness associated with running, I find the challenge of daily goal setting and achieving it, an exhilarating experience.

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