Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Fortune Cookie Principle


1. The Truth. 
What business are you in? Car companies don’t just manufacture boxes to get people from A to B.

2. Purpose. 
The reason you exist.

3. Vision. 
What impact do you see your business making in the world?

4. Values. 
Your values reinforce the vision for the business, shape its culture, and guide its behaviours.

5. Products and Services. 
Do they live up to the story you want to tell?

6. Your People. 
Leaders and employees, their values and posture.

7. Value you deliver. 
Think beyond features and benefits. People don’t buy what you do; they buy how it makes them feel.

8. Name and Tagline. 
Your opening move.

9. Content and Copy. 
Your content and copy are the way you woo your customers. They are your voice and the way you communicate your brand’s personality.

10. Design. 
The visual shorthand that helps people to make decisions about your brand. It also shapes the user’s experience of your products and makes them work better.

11.Your Actions. 
How you do everything, from greeting customers to answering the phone and requesting payment,

12. Customer Experience. 
Customer experience is everything that happens when people encounter your brand and how it makes your customers feel.

13.Price and Quality. 
The price you charge and the quality of what you sell or serve sends a signal to the right people.

Your position is your customers’ perception. It’s shaped by the way in which you touch their hearts, not by how you manipulate their thinking.

How you get your products and services into the hands of customers sends them a signal about your brand. It can also provide a competitive advantage.

Your location has to align with your business strategy.

17.Ubiquity or Scarcity. 
Do you want to have a product in every store, or will being selective about where your brand is stocked align with your story? Is your plan to have a presence on the tablet of every consumer with access to an Internet connection, or will you serve just a handful of consulting clients each year?

Your audience. The people you want to reach out to. Those your brand resonates with. The people who feel like they belong and who want to share your story.

The story your customers tell about you. How your idea and brand story is spread. What one person says to another to recommend your brand.

20.Reaction and Reach. 
How your customers behave towards your brand. Lines at the Apple store.


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